Striders Weekly Update 09/08/2023
Kicking it off earlier in the week was the Crawfordburn 5k Trail Race, hosted by North Down AC. This race was open to all runners from the age of 13 and consisted of running along trails of gravel, tarmac, and grass paths, taking in the scenic views of Bangor and the coastal path. Norman Mawhinney finished in a time of 19:39 claiming 1st in the M65 group and Bobby McGonigal finished in a time of 26:34 and was 3rd place in the Male Junior category. Well done!
Friday night then saw trio Norman Mawhinney, Louise Booth and Paul Blair take on Mallusk 5mile road race, hosted by the Mallusk harriers. The race started on the Mallusk Road outside the Academy Hub and the first 1.5miles took on Sealstown Hill, followed by a predominantly flat route. Well done to Norman for picking up another M65 1st place with a time of 32:46 followed by Paul Blair with a time of 40:40 and Louise Booth with a time of 55:53.
Saturday saw our Striders Annual Run the Trails race! We had various races taking place consisting of a 2km for the junior participants and 5km, 10km and Half Marathon for the adults. The race took in the grounds of Mount Stewart and the route had plenty of hills to contend with, including the infamous Temple of the Winds, which featured fabulously as the medal this year, complete with opening doors! Both the 5km and 10km were one loop around the trails and the half marathon was two loops around the trails. Twenty- one runners took part in the 2km race but taking 3rd place on the podium in our Junior male category 2km race was Harry McCready with a time of 8:00. In the Junior Female Category Isabella Haylett took 1st place with a time of 9:00 followed by Keara Simpson in 2nd place (9:47) . In the 5km race, Luke Braniff was the first strider in with a time of 23:34 following by Willow Farrington who came in as 1st female finisher with a time of 23:59, followed by Lauren Semple placing 3rd with a time of 26:18. In the 10k race, Martin Strachan was the first strider in with a time of 38:25, followed by Colin Harper 42:06, James Cole Boyle 45:35, Catherine Cauley 46:23 and Norman Mawhinney with 47:39. Excellent running everyone! In the Half event Michael Johnston was the first strider in with a time of 1:42:48 , followed by Jenny Taylor with a time of 1:46:10 and then Michael Burgess with a Course Personal Best of 1:52:39. Congratulations to Jenny who took 2nd place on the podium! We should also thank our volunteers for marshalling at the event and the hospitality provided on the night.
Saturday also meant Park Run and we had 32 participants out running at 8 venues. The most popular venue was Comber with 12 club members running. Special shout out to Michael Williams who got a Personal Best with a time of 23:42. Curtis McCaw also finished in 2nd place with a time of 17:38, well done lads! Over at Bangor Park Run, Marc Neil blasted round the course and bagged a course Personal Best of 17:26 and finished in first place! Up on the hill at Stormont, Chris Burns got a Personal Best of 23:08 and Gareth Davies got a course Personal Best of 23:53. At Ormeau Park Run Richard Bovill also got a Course Personal Best with a time of 26:04 and at Knock bracken Ashlyn Allen got a Personal Best with a time of 29:40, well done to all runners!!!
Sunday meant the Junior Park Run, and we had 9 runners out at 4 venues. The most popular location was Victoria Park Run with 3 junior runners there. Harry McCready and Maisie McNamara both got Course Personal Bests with times of 8:28 and 16:52 with Maisie getting her half marathon distance! Calum McCready also on his first time finished with a PB of 10:38. Over at Musgrave Park Run Luke Braniff finished in first place with a PB of 7:51 with Rory Braniff also getting a PB with a time of 9:00. Willow Farrington also finished 2nd place with a Course PB 8:00. At Comber Keara Simpson finished 2nd place with a time of 10:39 followed by Lydia Blair with a time of 12:37. Finally at Moors Valley Hamish Orr-Stewart finished with a course Personal Best of 8:25, fantastic running everyone!
Scrabo Striders meet every Monday – Thursday for coach led training sessions with a Trails run on Sunday evening. We also meet every Friday evening and Sunday morning for an all-abilities social run in Newtownards Town Centre – at the square. Training is in full swing for both our club only endurance event Last Strider Standing and for the Ards 5-mile challenge , on 8th September which is open to all.